Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What makes good website design

 What makes good website design:

Simple; almost difficult to do, from hope page of website must be easy to read and search, might possible be good to have 5-7 links off the home page that go into detail. all pages should have the same look and feel to them, best to have same theme,color, and style. the website must have either a page or at the bottom of the home page or on a separate page a good website must have contact information, copy right information, privacy policy. the content on the pages must address an audience, have purpose, and the content must patch these things and be organized, spell checked, current, and appropriate.
YouTube and Pintrest are simple very common websites, because they follow these rules almost to the t.. they are simple with many lings leading to the correct page you need, not overwhelming on one single page, they have privacy policy, and up to date.